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Апдейт с версии 1.1 до 2.0 весит 65МБ. Даже и незнаю стоит ли его качать :g:

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Версия Service Pack 2.0


См. Общие для получения информации по поддержке Windows 2000.

Основные принципы


Масштабные сетки в чертежах распечатываются не ближе, чем 5 мм друг от друга, по измерению на листе.


Минимальные/максимальные размеры с помощью дуг

Нажмите Shift для применения минимальной и максимальной длины, разделенной на зоны по 90 градусов. При помещении указателя на дугу и нажатия кнопкиShift, указатель отображает значок минимум/максимум.


Характеристики сечения

Опять существует возможность указывания единиц измерения пользователя для характеристик сечения. НажмитеПараметры в диалоговом окнеХарактеристики сечения и выберите Использовать настройки пользователя. Единицы измерения применяются только для свойств в диалоговом окне. Они не изменяет единицы, указанные в Инструменты, Параметры, Свойства документа, Единицы измерения, Массовые характеристики/Характеристики сечения.



В Переводчик деталей Pro/ENGINEER в SolidWorks был добавлен новый параметр, Импортировать геометрию со скрытых сечений.

Параметры экспорта TIFF

Параметр Шкала полутонов был добавлен в поле Тип картинки.

SolidWorks - Маршрут

Электрическая проводка

Блоки соединения. Добавляет специальные примечания в блок, чтобы можно было изменять положение точки присоединения и точки ориентации блока по отношению проводке. См. Создание блока соединителя в справке SolidWorks Маршрут.

Спецификация проводки. Прикрепляет спецификацию проводки к точке привязки. Можно вставить позицию для каждой детали и крышки и занести позицию в спецификацию.

Текст для идентификации проводки. Отображает заметку, обычнопозицию проводки, на чертеже проводки.

Разделить сегмент. Заменяет один сегмент двумя более короткими. Сумма новых сегментов равняется исходному.

Оперативная справка

Инструменты проектирования вертикального рынка

Новые страницы были добавлены в раздел, Инструменты проектирования вертикального рынка,в оперативной справке. Страницы описывают 2D черчение в SolidWorks.


Существует новая галлерея и страницы по разделам, Обзор изображения, ПроизводительностьиСферические сценыв PhotoWorks оперативной справке.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Обновление для Справки по PhotoWorks только на английском языке для версии Service Pack 2.0. Обновление для Справки по PhotoWorks будет переведено на другие языки для версии Service Pack 3.0.

Функциональные инструкции

Существуют новые функциональные инструкции по разделам, Дополнительные возможности по созданию чертежей, SolidWorks Animatorи Проектирование литейной формы.Они заменяют предыдущие разделы.

Кроме того, есть (заявлена) поддержка Windows2000 и включен пакет обновлений для ХР_SP2., исправляющий баг при работе MSI

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это только по рашен а по аглицки см. ниже

SolidWorks 2005 SP 2.0

SPR # Description

153018 Auxiliary view arrows are temporarily bleeding through to another sheet if the aux view has been moved from the original sheet.

169867 TIF image is shown all black with Black & White image

187998 Not possible to delete a material from a new material database that has just been created

198147 The 'Enter' key serves as a cancel when applying changes in the materials editor. All changes are lost

198284 Adding a material causes excessively slow model rebuild and edit times. Display is slowed.

202582 Fillet will not complete - appears to be caused by invalide minimum radius of curvature.

208457 Datum appears in drawing on rebuil at open

219407 Missing lines in HLR display in right view orientation in this assembly -- works OK in Draft Quality HLR/HLV.

221249 Bad fillet created in this part.

221252 Cannot create a valid fillet/chamfer because either this filleted/chamfered face is self-intersecting or its loop is bad.' error

225109 Surface Knit: Can not knit parting surface and the core surface together

226728 Failure to pattern cut extrude.

226738 Fillet geometry is different on edges of this symmetrical part.

228775 Empty drawing views do not autosize

229188 SolidWorks does not respond when importing a specific DWG.

231035 Instability after creating new standard from DME, editing smart fastener info in browser config.

231247 Parts drawing's performance is worse than assemblies' one.

231617 Flip through 180 does not work with 'Normal to ' icon

231837 Changes to Broken Out Section (BOS) depth do not prompt that drawing has changed when closed.

231851 Instability within SolidWorks when trying to create a thin extrude feature

231854 If this SolidWorks 2001 template is used by SW2004, a center mark is displayed and printed thick.

231865 Hole callout depth and diameter values is incorrect in drawing of part that has interstecting library feature hole wizard holes

231975 Instability after loading a specific favorite dimension in geo tolerance

231992 Instability when a read-only file (added as read-only file to Toolbox library via add my parts wizard) is inserted from the browser.

232041 Not able to set the orientation for each individual drawing sheet in SolidWorks Viewer.

232188 Fatal error in ACAD 2004 when inserting a vertical dim in a DWG file created from a SolidWorks detached drawing (release only)

232219 Help file is ambiguous regarding open contour sketches containing splines for sheet metal base flanges

232412 Autosave during edit of Excel BOM and "failed to save document"

232523 SolidWorks does not respond when opening this specific ProE assembly

232554 Instability when an import solid is diagnosed.

232582 Edge selection does not work correctly in this part

232620 Configuration data is damaged in this part

232704 P7 fit with tolerance is different from JIS.

232712 Corrupt sheet-metal part For FIX to take effect, open the part, do Cntrl Q and then save the part

232920 Instability results from inserting revision table using this table template. Template was created from changing header position and title display

232934 Pre-selection no longer works when attaching surface finish symbols with leaders

233062 With single pick per command termination on drag of explode step handle

233130 Instability invoking Split command whilst Cut-Extrude command is active

233144 Problems with converted hole wizzard database for SWX2004.

233150 Addition of mates that reference route fittings/pipes were blocked. It should still be blocked.

233170 There are numerous erros in surface lofted part

233200 Prefix / Suffix text field resizes incorrectly, a grey area covers the field when Explorer window is small

233302 Cannot insert 'Assembly only' dimensions with Insert->Model Items

233305 SolidWorks Office toolbar does not show eDrawings and 3D Instant Website tool buttons

233319 Instability when using a SpaceBall option "Toggle Sub Part Movement"

233393 Tool tips for display types have been assigned incorrectly to view tool bar in russian

233407 Translation of 'power trim' function should be changed in Russian - current choice is not appropriate

233414 Instability saving part and drawing with specified workflow

233462 Instability creating ruled surface with this model.

233473 BOM reports incorrect configuration referenced by a BOM

233504 Invalid structural member error 'The selected segment is neither connected nor parallel...' changing an unrelated 3d sketch dim in this part

233585 When the design table of the Excel file is changed the table renews only once.

233644 "A solution cannot be determined for this sketch" message after changing an angle from 15.6 to 17 deg

233729 Cannot resolve a lightweight assembly

233737 Instability unsuppressing feature in this part

233773 Surface to be trimmed disappears while selecting.

233863 TAB key does not work correctly in Drawing View PropertyManager

233906 JIS fit tolerance is incorrect

233947 Dxf file can not be opened in SolidWorks

233958 Short cut keys for sketch relations are not working in SolidWorks 2005 SP0.

233965 'Move/Size Features' prevents components from being reordered in assembly FeatureManager

234069 Instability while mirroring a solid body with a face as a mirroring plane

234145 Instability when trimming weldments created using a custom profile.

234151 Instability when creating a loft feature in context in this assembly following a particular sequence of steps.

234246 Unable to build lofted bend part

234326 Instability when switching part configuration

234333 GTOL leader lines that are collinear to model edges lose the spacing gap

234339 Documentation needed to explain the deletion process for block instances compared to deleting a block definition.

234354 Annotations are not printed when set to SolidWorks custom styles (SLDDIMSTYLE) and layer colors (Color 255)

234595 Instability when imported this IGES file.

234616 Section 3 of SNL Installation guide incorrectly implies that SolidWorks 2005 License Manager does not support SolidWorks 2004.

234634 Instablity opening SolidEdge assembly

234649 Instability saving bodies in this weldment part to a new part.

234747 Not insert cosmetic threads in to drawing of this assembly

234843 Instability when clicked on Datum B in this drawing

234915 Fail to Update Standard Views after a view is selected from View Orientation box

234937 Cosmetic Thread is not drawn in detail view

234994 Instability deleting library feature in this part

235003 Selecting part then insert/centerline will insert center line in all components in assembly.

235029 In-context parts are not updated in configurations that are not used in the assembly

235117 'Edit Color' in Standard Toolbar does not remove Face Color.

235140 Surface extend feature rebuild gives error

235161 Instability editing failing mate

235257 Instability while importing this Parasolid file

235484 Failed to import this specific iges file with the same surface as it did in 2004

235487 Flyout feature manager items are shown in question mark ? symbol when Windows Icon font is set to MS Sans Serif

235576 Thread depth dimension in hole callout for this hole series hole is not correct.

235586 Property Manager does not expand Add Relations box when sketching line with single command per pick enabled

235596 Direction of a sketchsegment of 3Dsketch is changed by referencing part condition.

235640 Insert > Model Items can not import Sketch items in SW 2005

235671 2005 SolidNetWork License and Administration Guide does not correctly describe how to borrow a license file.

235725 'One or more of the selected entities could not be projected into the sketch plane' error after Insert Model->Reference Curves

235773 Section view: Section view cannot be created in this drawing.

235823 Crosshatch is incomplete on section view

235854 Rebuild errors in SW2005

235865 'IF Function' Help info says that commas should be used to seperate the conditions; however, it should say semi-colons are needed.

235899 Excel process remains open after initially inserting bend table. Subsequent edit to excel file is 'linked' as a result

235948 Instability creating detail view of section view in this drawing

235972 Dimension Text is displayed without parentheses

235984 Extrude feature failure after forced rebuild.

236000 Image moves when orientation menu is used to zoom to area

236066 Fit tolerances created in dimension properties dialog do not follow if you modify the dimension.

236093 Instability in drawing files.

236127 Center Lines: Preselecting a cylindrical face before adding centerlines adds them to ALL cylindrical faces in the view.

236288 Broken-Out Sectional Sketch (Spline) doesn’t highlight (Green & Dashed) when selected at FM design tree.

236373 SolidWorks does not respond on creating drawing file

236451 Creating block with area hatching and line that interferes with hatch causes instability.

236556 'Edit > Show With Dependents' does not work

236559 Geometric symbols are wrong size when Annotation font > Dimension > Height is changed from unit to point.

236565 Component hide works for current configuration only

236594 Insatability when rebuilding this sheet metal part

236730 Can no longer control color of Cosmetic Threads

236776 Cannot change the Balloon Text by double clicking on it; It can be changed only through BOM

236863 SolidWorks does not respond when opening this assembly

236892 Notes that are linked to a SolidWorks document property do not align properly when its text justification is changed

236921 Instability when changing from sheet 8 to sheet 1 of a specific drawing file

237148 Details are not visible through transparent faces when Advanced Graphics is turned on.

237415 Body Move/Copy that rotates a body about an axis changes the axis that the rotate is being performed about

237424 Failed to create fillet.

237476 Dissolve Library Feature and save part. Instability occurs if the part is reopened and RMB, Edit Sketch.

237529 SolidWorks does not respond when moving a component in this assembly with Collision Detection turned on.

237585 Fail to highlight selected bodies when selecting individual body from "Bodies to keep" dialog box in creating multi bodies

237593 Cropped dialog when prompted to save modified documents on certain screen sizes

237643 Shell gives an error when rebuild with verification on in this file

237674 Area Hatch didn't update to System Options Hatch type when material is removed from part

237716 Dimension between two holes in this broken view always creates a min-min arc condition dimension regardless of where the circles are picked

237779 No geometry is shown in section view when opening a drawing file 'Operation failed due to geometric condition' message. For Fix to take effect, after opening the file, Ctrl+Q to force Regen the file.

237834 End result of a loft created with different guide curve is different or incorrect depending upon the settings

237843 Explode lines in shaded drawing views do not print correctly with the high quality print option

237970 Loft changes shape if recreated in SolidWorks 2005.

238052 Boxes appear for block attributes when dwg file is imported in SolidWorks.

238123 On-screen distance mate value does not update in real-time when edited

238153 Instability when creating an equation that references linear step-and-repeat, linked values

238221 Instability mirroring hem feature

238227 Not possible to change display type of just alternate position component of drawing views

238242 Focus does not move to correct field when distance mating from pop-up toolbar

238258 Instability when opening this assembly.

238290 Components turn transparent when using 'move with triad' if software OpenGL is enabled

238296 Instability after selecting color icon from Layer dialog box using specific drawing file

238310 SolidWorks does not respond after opening this drawing.

238408 Unable to find part files when Importing ProEngineer assembly when referenced part files are located in a different location. This results in an empty assembly.

238481 Geometric Tolerance (gtol) attached to dimension in break view disappears when view is broken.

238494 Textures applied to faces at the part level do not truly become transparent at the assembly level

238495 Cannot position drawing view border by selecting it in SolidWorks 2005 (if modified in a previous version)

238506 You cannot choose which face SolidWorks uses for guide tangency direction. Set guide curve tangency to 'Tangency to Face' Fails

238769 SolidWorks does not respond when trying to unsuppress / switch configurations on this sketch.

238854 If settings are changed to use custom settings (inches), section properties are reflected in metric units

238873 Improper bulge/shift in the curves of text, when slddrw is saved as dxf.

238887 Section line is not visible and can not change color of section line when paper color is changed to black and visible edges to white.

238983 SolidWorks shuts down when trying to insert model items into this drawing

239029 Open drawing and Solidworks becomes unstable.

239039 Instability printing this drawing to Adobe PDF Writer

239072 "Error: 80004005: line: ..., column..." Creating a duplicate material name in a different material classification

239143 Imported IGES file has many missing faces

239168 Can no longer add configurations to an assembly if the assembly file is open Read-Only. No error given, just no configuration gets created.

239175 If File>Print fails to connect to printer stored in document, no print dialog appears at all.

239192 Instability returning to this drawing after editing sketch text. Drawing view has invisible edges.

239202 Incorrect number of holes in hole callout for a linear pattern

239238 Instability adding library feature to part

239385 Unable to create radiate surface in this case.

239438 Instability when inserting library feature with mandatory references to sketch entities and user picks the wrong kind of entity

239466 Block min or max dimensioning for circles/edges smaller than a certain screen size.

239517 Instability when selecting multiple items in the FeatureManager and selecting the Mate

239657 Cosmetic threads on Pipe Tap holes jump to new face on rebuild.

239798 (Sketch) bend lines are in the incorrect position after unfold/fold features are added to this model

239831 Section arrows on inactive sheets are not visible in the Viewer. For FIX to take effect. Open the file and re-save it.

239887 Assembly file is corrupt

239945 Instability Dbl+Clicking sheet having launched Multi-Jog Leader command

239950 Unable to save assembly having created in-context intersection split line

240153 Center marks do not position correctly after using 'Flip View' in sheet metal drawing

240210 Inserting a chamfer into a sketch with dimensions deletes the dimensions

240279 Some single-line notes in sheet format of this drawing template get split up into two lines when opening the file

240382 Instability when attempting to offset a line in this drawing.

240435 Instability when activating certain sheets in these drawings all provided from the same customer.

240466 When sectioning an assembly in the model window, getting the section view to update is more difficult. For Fix to take effect, need to Force Regen, Ctrl+Q the model

240473 Forming tool rebuild errors on this part.

240507 Detail view of a detail view of a rotated view is empty

240550 Arcs on circular profile swept bodies print incorrectly

240573 Error opening this file.

240748 Replace parameter tooltips are ambiguous in Replace face command.

240803 Instability while opening this drawing file.

240866 Text in Weld symbol is shifted and interferes with the weld symbol.

240981 Thin features cannot have more than one closed or open profile curve.

241049 API - MateReference::Edit does not work

241112 SolidWorks drawing are not visible if inserted as an object into another app (Word) if objects exist in the drawing

241156 Instability importing IGES file with PhotWorks added in

241165 Bad display of part, Tools Check indicates a body problem

241257 Instability saving this drawing as a Detached Drawing

241272 Rebuild icons are displayed for the sheet format in newly created blank drawings

241448 Instability editing chamfer with preview enabled

241482 Dimensions of features selected to hidden are still visible until the view is updated.

241500 IGES assembly containing single part no longer imports as an assembly. It now imports as a single part.

241669 PhotoWorks: Picture changes to white when selecting custom material in Material Manager.

241672 Forming tool creates a bad face on this part.

241675 Instability when modifying this feature from Design Library.

241750 Instability changing configuration of library feature

241901 Instability when sketching in this file and referencing model edges.

241991 Instability creating two-direction, up-to-surface, surface extrusion

241993 Measure dialogue does not update values when components are moved while in the measure command.

242157 Selecting dimensions in drawings changes document properties

242232 Edges of transparent parts are not shown in PDF when resolution is set to high quality in Page Setup.

242244 Instability opening drawing from a hyperlink with eDrawings added in

242249 Component moves out of constrained position during dynamic motion

242373 SolidWorks fails to respond when inserting palette part with missing linked design table into assembly.

242576 Instability problem saving drawing from SolidWorks to DWG format.

242710 DWG Editor Instability editing note in DWG file.

242906 record a revolve and axis selection is missing the selectbyid2 selectoption input

242946 User specified part name reverts to document name in Excel BOM for flexible sub-assembly.

242975 Damaged drawing

243284 Instability creating fillet with preview enabled in this model.

243762 Feature based smart mate no longer works in SolidWorks 2005.

244180 Base point of block is not highlighted when block is selected if block is on the sheet format.

244571 Mates not solving when opening this SW2004 assembly in SW2005

244818 Instability inserting this block in a drawing.

245602 Changing the precision of a single dual dimension will change the default precision settings.

245941 Solidworks doesnot respond after inserting Block.

246093 Expanding feature manager requires double-click and other Feature Manager selection problems after adding a custom property to assembly component

246156 Instability creating block

249239 Database configuration error trying to insert Toolbox fastener: Hex Flange Bolt - DIN 6921

249348 Instability adding a sketched bend with bend table in this part.

249512 Document that WizardHoleFeatureData2::Standard is a read-only property

249749 Error flattening this sheet metal part.

250860 Dimensions are not displayed when double clicking on a feature to show its dimensions with dynamic highlight from graphics window disabled

252687 Sub-assembly in BOM displays weight of zero after any change to sub-assembly models.

253958 API - Instability when calling ISetSupression2 on this assembly

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вот скачай отсюда это sp2 для sp1.1 ... через 30 минут удалю сообщение



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Привет !

Нерешенные проблемы SW2005 :wallbash:

У маня проявился баг характерный для SW - в обычном состоянии размер правильный, а после создания разорванного вида размер иной. Автоматически SW ставить размеры не хочет. Элемент слева получен путем выдавки углубления на листе, справа - это отверстие.

Как это побороть ?



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To: sapr2000

За лекарствами - в аптеку.


...а может здесь где-нить аптечный киоск поставим....:doctor:
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То _dinu_ _Констр_р_

И все же: Где живет SP2 для SolidWorks 2005 ?

Описание прочел на этой странице, адрес сайта - известен, а только найти ссылку на SP2 и даже описание онного нет возможности.

Предыдущие SP появлялись по адресу:http://www.solidworks.com/pages/services/subscription/downloads.html

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To: SB.il

Он пока лежит в бетах когда обкатают выложат на страничку скачки. На бета сайте уже доступен для скачки SW 2006

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Описание прочел на этой странице, адрес сайта - известен, а только найти ссылку на SP2 и даже описание онного нет возможности.

Предыдущие SP появлялись по адресу:http://www.solidworks.com/pages/services/subscription/downloads.html

немного убери все и получится <noindex>http://www.solidworks.com/pages/services/downloads.html</noindex>
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Да рановато еще скачивать необкатанные бета версии.Полноценный SP2.0 появится через недельку-другую.

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пекут как блины два раза на месяц

SolidWorks 2005 SP2.0 03/21/2005

sw2005-0.0-2.0-i.exe 119025 Kb (121882112 bytes) Download

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Последнее предупреждение: за лекарствами - в аптеку.

Последний флуд вырезан.

Плюсомет включен.

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Привет !

Уважаемый Администратор. Просто admin.

К кому относится это "Последнее предупреждение" ?

Судя по безликости - это обращение ко всем, кто писал в этой рубрике !!!

А раз так, то релевантен вопрос: " За что?" :wink:

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