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Открываю автокадовский файл в ug. А вместо шрифтов всякая казябра. Как можно решить эту проблему?

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... Как можно решить эту проблему?

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Character Font Mapping for DXFDWG

The DXFDWG translator (introduced in UG V18) allows users to control text character font

mappings for both import and export. The default font mappings are listed below.

Create a Custom Character Font Mapping File

Create a file mapping to meet your needs. Specify all the fonts or just a few -- any fonts not

mapped will use the standard mappings.

Identify your character font mapping file in the dxfdwg.def file by adding the line:


For example, if your character font mapping file was d:\my_folder\my_fonts.lis, add:

CHARACTERFONT_MAPPING_FILENAME= d:\my_folder\my_fonts.lis

For a given direction, the last font mapping specified shall take effect when duplicates exist.

Syntax Rules

All mapping statements must follow the specified syntax:

direction_keyword : source_setting = destination_setting.

Use import (ACAD to UG) or export (UG to ACAD) for the direction_keyword.

Mark comment lines with an exclamation point (!) at the beginning and end of the line. For


! UG to ACAD character font mappings !

Aspect Ratio Option

You may optionally add a fixed aspect ratio to be used with a mapping at the end of the

mapping statement. For example, to cause all DXF/DWG text in txt.shx font to be mapped to

UG "blockfont" font with a fixed aspect ratio of 0.8, the line would read:

import : "txt.shx" = "blockfont" , 0.8

For mappings that do not have the aspect ratio specified, the translator will evaluate the same

for each text.

Default Character Font Mapping for Import (ACAD to UG)

import : "txt.shx" = "blockfont"

import : "swisscbo.ttf" = "aurora"

import : "swissbo.ttf" = "lubalin"

import : "swissbo.ttf" = "lubalins"

import : "bgothm.ttf" = "ballfont"

import : "bgothl.ttf" = "ballfont"

import : "arial.ttf" = "iso-1"

import : "dutchi.ttf" = "cyrillic"

import : "cour.ttf" = "cyrillicf"

import : "romans.shx" = "ge_font5"

import : "greekc.shx" = "greekfont"

import : "isocp.shx" = "iso_font"

import : "tt0596m_.ttf" = "helios"

import : "gothice.shx" = "oldenglish"

import : "simplex.shx" = "pwfont"

import : "scriptc.shx" = "script"

import : "impact.ttf" = "helvet"

import : "DEFAULT" = "blockfont" (this will set the default font to be used when a mapping is not

found for a ACAD font while importing)

Default Cahracter Font Mapping for Export (UG to ACAD)

export : "blockfont" = "txt.shx"

export : "aurora" = "swisscbo.ttf"

export : "lubalin" = "swissbo.ttf"

export : "lubalins" = "swissbo.ttf"

export : "ballfont" = "bgothm.ttf"

export : "iso-1" = "arial.ttf"

export : "chinesef" = "arial.ttf"

export : "cyrillic" = "dutchi.ttf"

export : "cyrillicf" = "cour.ttf"

export : "full_leroy" = "arial.ttf"

export : "futura" = "swisscbo.ttf"

export : "ge_font5" = "romans.shx"

export : "greekfont" = "greekc.shx"

export : "iso_font" = "isocp.shx"

export : "helios" = "tt0596m_.ttf"

export : "helios_con_it" = "tt0596m_.ttf"

export : "helvet" = "tt0596m_.ttf"

export : "leroy" = "arial.ttf"

export : "oldenglish" = "gothice.shx"

export : "pwfont" = "simplex.shx"

export : "script" = "scriptc.shx"

export : "helvet" = "impact.ttf"

export : "cadds4" = "arial.ttf"

export : "DEFAULT" = "simplex.shx" (this will set the default font to be used when a mapping is

not found for a UG font)

А какая версия NX?

По-моему работает только для анлийских настроек ВИНДЫ и NX

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Вот, попалось на глаза :-)

Character Font Mapping for DXFDWG

The DXFDWG translator (introduced in UG V18) allows users to control text character font

mappings for both import and export. The default font mappings are listed below.

Create a Custom Character Font Mapping File

Create a file mapping to meet your needs. Specify all the fonts or just a few -- any fonts not

mapped will use the standard mappings.

Identify your character font mapping file in the dxfdwg.def file by adding the line:


For example, if your character font mapping file was d:\my_folder\my_fonts.lis, add:

CHARACTERFONT_MAPPING_FILENAME= d:\my_folder\my_fonts.lis

For a given direction, the last font mapping specified shall take effect when duplicates exist.

Syntax Rules

All mapping statements must follow the specified syntax:

direction_keyword : source_setting = destination_setting.

Use import (ACAD to UG) or export (UG to ACAD) for the direction_keyword.

Mark comment lines with an exclamation point (!) at the beginning and end of the line. For


! UG to ACAD character font mappings !

Aspect Ratio Option

You may optionally add a fixed aspect ratio to be used with a mapping at the end of the

mapping statement. For example, to cause all DXF/DWG text in txt.shx font to be mapped to

UG "blockfont" font with a fixed aspect ratio of 0.8, the line would read:

import : "txt.shx" = "blockfont" , 0.8

For mappings that do not have the aspect ratio specified, the translator will evaluate the same

for each text.

Default Character Font Mapping for Import (ACAD to UG)

import : "txt.shx" = "blockfont"

import : "swisscbo.ttf" = "aurora"

import : "swissbo.ttf" = "lubalin"

import : "swissbo.ttf" = "lubalins"

import : "bgothm.ttf" = "ballfont"

import : "bgothl.ttf" = "ballfont"

import : "arial.ttf" = "iso-1"

import : "dutchi.ttf" = "cyrillic"

import : "cour.ttf" = "cyrillicf"

import : "romans.shx" = "ge_font5"

import : "greekc.shx" = "greekfont"

import : "isocp.shx" = "iso_font"

import : "tt0596m_.ttf" = "helios"

import : "gothice.shx" = "oldenglish"

import : "simplex.shx" = "pwfont"

import : "scriptc.shx" = "script"

import : "impact.ttf" = "helvet"

import : "DEFAULT" = "blockfont" (this will set the default font to be used when a mapping is not

found for a ACAD font while importing)

Default Cahracter Font Mapping for Export (UG to ACAD)

export : "blockfont" = "txt.shx"

export : "aurora" = "swisscbo.ttf"

export : "lubalin" = "swissbo.ttf"

export : "lubalins" = "swissbo.ttf"

export : "ballfont" = "bgothm.ttf"

export : "iso-1" = "arial.ttf"

export : "chinesef" = "arial.ttf"

export : "cyrillic" = "dutchi.ttf"

export : "cyrillicf" = "cour.ttf"

export : "full_leroy" = "arial.ttf"

export : "futura" = "swisscbo.ttf"

export : "ge_font5" = "romans.shx"

export : "greekfont" = "greekc.shx"

export : "iso_font" = "isocp.shx"

export : "helios" = "tt0596m_.ttf"

export : "helios_con_it" = "tt0596m_.ttf"

export : "helvet" = "tt0596m_.ttf"

export : "leroy" = "arial.ttf"

export : "oldenglish" = "gothice.shx"

export : "pwfont" = "simplex.shx"

export : "script" = "scriptc.shx"

export : "helvet" = "impact.ttf"

export : "cadds4" = "arial.ttf"

export : "DEFAULT" = "simplex.shx" (this will set the default font to be used when a mapping is

not found for a UG font)

А какая версия NX?

По-моему работает только для анлийских настроек ВИНДЫ и NX

Nx 4 и 7.5.

вроде бы я посмотрел эти шрифты есть.. как добавить к примеру такие как isocteui,GOST_TYPE A все они ttf...я так понимаю по хорошему NX понимает шрифты только fnx ,sbf, которые в папке ugfonts

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Открываю автокадовский файл в ug. А вместо шрифтов всякая казябра. Как можно решить эту проблему?

Зачем такие мучения, осмелюсь у вас узнать, или Вы экспериментатор?! )))

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... как добавить к примеру такие как isocteui,GOST_TYPE A все они ttf...

В указанном файле добавляете строку со своими шрифтами:

import : "йййййййййй.ttf" = "ёёёёёёёёё"

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