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"unhandled exception encountered in callback automation code" что за зверь?


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Пишу программу на C++ для создания сплайна по точкам, полученным с другой кривой. Точки получаю все нормально. Даже сплайн выстраивает. но вылетает вот такая ошибка "unhandled exception encountered in callback automation code" и отменяет построение сплайна и периодически убивает UG.

Вот листинг:

#include "Razvertka.hpp"

#include "uf_modl.h"

#include <uf_ui_ugopen.h>

#include <NXOpen/Curve.hxx>

#include <NXOpen/NXObjectManager.hxx>

#include <uf.h>

#include <uf_curve.h>

#define UF_CALL(X) (report( __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, (X)))

static FILE* prterr;

static int errorCode;

static tag_t part;

static int report( char *file, int line, char *call, int irc)


if (irc)


char messg[133];

printf("%s, line %d: %s\n", file, line, call);

(UF_get_fail_message(irc, messg)) ?

printf(" returned a %d\n", irc) :

printf(" returned error %d: %s\n", irc, messg);




using namespace NXOpen;

using namespace NXOpen::BlockStyler;


// Initialize static variables


Session *(Razvertka::theSession) = NULL;

UI *(Razvertka::theUI) = NULL;


// Declaration of global variables


Razvertka *theRazvertka;


// Constructor for NX Styler class






// Initialize the NX Open C++ API environment

Razvertka::theSession = NXOpen::Session::GetSession();

Razvertka::theUI = UI::GetUI();

theDialogName = "Razvertka.dlx";

theDialog = Razvertka::theUI->CreateDialog(theDialogName.c_str());

// Registration of callback functions

theDialog->AddApplyHandler(make_callback(this, &Razvertka::apply_cb));

theDialog->AddOkHandler(make_callback(this, &Razvertka::ok_cb));

theDialog->AddUpdateHandler(make_callback(this, &Razvertka::update_cb));

theDialog->AddInitializeHandler(make_callback(this, &Razvertka::initialize_cb));

theDialog->AddDialogShownHandler(make_callback(this, &Razvertka::dialogShown_cb));


catch(exception& ex)


//---- Enter your exception handling code here -----





// Destructor for NX Styler class




if (theDialog != NULL)


delete theDialog;

theDialog = NULL;



//------------------------------- DIALOG LAUNCHING ---------------------------------


// Before invoking this application one needs to open any part/empty part in NX

// because of the behavior of the blocks.


// Make sure the dlx file is in one of the following locations:

// 1.) From where NX session is launched

// 2.) $UGII_USER_DIR/application

// 3.) For released applications, using UGII_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY_FILE is highly

// recommended. This variable is set to a full directory path to a file

// containing a list of root directories for all custom applications.

// e.g., UGII_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY_FILE=$UGII_ROOT_DIR\menus\custom_dirs.dat


// You can create the dialog using one of the following way:




// 1) Create the Shared Library -- Refer "Block UI Styler programmer's guide"

// 2) Invoke the Shared Library through File->Execute->NX Open menu.



extern "C" DllExport void ufusr(char *param, int *retcod, int param_len)




theRazvertka = new Razvertka();

// The following method shows the dialog immediately



catch(exception& ex)


char S[127];

sprintf(S,"ufsr error\n");


//---- Enter your exception handling code here -----

Razvertka::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());


if(theRazvertka != NULL)


delete theRazvertka;




// This method specifies how a shared image is unloaded from memory

// within NX. This method gives you the capability to unload an

// internal NX Open application or user exit from NX. Specify any

// one of the three constants as a return value to determine the type

// of unload to perform:



// Immediately : unload the library as soon as the automation program has completed

// Explicitly : unload the library from the "Unload Shared Image" dialog

// AtTermination : unload the library when the NX session terminates



// NOTE: A program which associates NX Open applications with the menubar

// MUST NOT use this option since it will UNLOAD your NX Open application image

// from the menubar.


extern "C" DllExport int ufusr_ask_unload()


//return (int)Session::LibraryUnloadOptionExplicitly;

return (int)Session::LibraryUnloadOptionImmediately;

//return (int)Session::LibraryUnloadOptionAtTermination;



// Following method cleanup any housekeeping chores that may be needed.

// This method is automatically called by NX.


extern "C" DllExport void ufusr_cleanup(void)




//---- Enter your callback code here -----


catch(exception& ex)




int Razvertka::Show()






catch(exception& ex)


//---- Enter your exception handling code here -----

Razvertka::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());


return 0;



//---------------------Block UI Styler Callback Functions--------------------------



//Callback Name: initialize_cb


void Razvertka::initialize_cb()




group01 = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("group01"));

edge_select01 = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("edge_select01"));

group0 = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("group0"));

edge_select0 = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("edge_select0"));


catch(exception& ex)


//---- Enter your exception handling code here -----

Razvertka::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());




//Callback Name: dialogShown_cb

//This callback is executed just before the dialog launch. Thus any value set

//here will take precedence and dialog will be launched showing that value.


void Razvertka::dialogShown_cb()




//---- Enter your callback code here -----


catch(exception& ex)


//---- Enter your exception handling code here -----

Razvertka::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());




//Callback Name: apply_cb


tag_t x;

//tag_t y;

int Razvertka::apply_cb()


int errorCode = 0;




// Подготовка данных для UF_MODL_ask_curve_points

double ctol = 0.5;

double atol = 0.0;

double stol = 0.5;

double *pts;

int numpts;

int i;

double p = NULL;

char S[127];


//Расчет координат и количества точек

UF_CALL(UF_MODL_ask_curve_points(x,ctol,atol,stol,&numpts, &pts));

int num = numpts;

// Вывод полученных точек

for(i = 0; i < numpts; i++)


sprintf(S,"%f %f %f\n",pts[3*i], pts[3*i+1], pts[3*i+2]);




//Ввод данных для UF_CURVE_create_spline_thru_pts

UF_CURVE_pt_slope_crvatr_t *point_data;

point_data = new UF_CURVE_pt_slope_crvatr_t[numpts/3];

// double* parameters;

// parameters = new double[numpts/3];

int degree = 3;

int periodicity = 0;

int save_def_data = 1;

tag_t splin;

for (int i= 0; i<num; i++)


point_data.point[0] = pts[3*i];

point_data.point[1] = pts[3*i+1];

point_data.point[2] = pts[3*i+2];

point_data.slope_type = UF_CURVE_SLOPE_NONE;

point_data.slope[0] = 0;

point_data.slope[1] = 0;

point_data.slope[2] = 0;

point_data.crvatr_type = UF_CURVE_CRVATR_NONE;

point_data.crvatr[0] = 0;

point_data.crvatr[1] = 0;

point_data.crvatr[2] = 0;


point_data[0].slope_type = UF_CURVE_SLOPE_AUTO;

point_data[num-1].slope_type = UF_CURVE_SLOPE_AUTO;

point_data[0].crvatr_type = UF_CURVE_CRVATR_NONE;

point_data[num-1].crvatr_type = UF_CURVE_CRVATR_NONE;

// Вывод наклонов и кривизн

sprintf(S,"Slope_Types Crvatr_Types \n");


for (int i= 0; i<num; i++)


sprintf(S," %d %d ",point_data.slope_type,point_data.crvatr_type );



//Построение сплайна по точкам







&splin ));






catch(exception& ex)


//---- Enter your exception handling code here -----

errorCode = 1;

Razvertka::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());


return errorCode;



//Callback Name: update_cb


int Razvertka::update_cb(NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* block)




if(block == edge_select01)


Curve *curva(dynamic_cast<Curve *>(NXOpen::NXObjectManager::Get(edge_select01->GetProperties()->GetTaggedObjectVector("SelectedObjects").at(0)->GetTag())));

x = curva->GetTag();


else if(block == edge_select0)


//Curve *curva(dynamic_cast<Curve *>(NXOpen::NXObjectManager::Get(edge_select0->GetProperties()->GetTaggedObjectVector("SelectedObjects").at(0)->GetTag())));

//y = curva->GetTag();



catch(exception& ex)


//---- Enter your exception handling code here -----

Razvertka::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());


return 0;



//Callback Name: ok_cb


int Razvertka::ok_cb()


int errorCode = 0;



errorCode = apply_cb();


catch(exception& ex)


errorCode = 1;

Razvertka::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());


return errorCode;


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Может быть убрать пару UF_CALL(UF_initialize()); UF_CALL(UF_terminate()); ?

хуже, думаю, не будет, а там посмотрим дальше...

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Спасибо за совет.

Вообще я нашел в чем дело было : переполнение массива char S[127].

А теперь что-то с памятью. но хоть строить стал. Ладно буду разбираться

Ссылка на сообщение
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Оказалось я неправильно выделил память для data_point. Заменил на :

UF_CURVE_pt_slope_crvatr_t *point_data;


Все заработало!

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