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Dassault Systèmes and IBM Announce Version 5 Release 14 of their Product Lifecycle

Management Portfolio

New version enables users to “Imagine and Work as a Global Team” with advanced collaboration functionalities

Paris, France – September 28, 2004 – Dassault Systèmes (Nasdaq: DASTY; Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA) and IBM today announced the release of Version 5 Release 14 (V5R14) of their product lifecycle management (PLM) portfolio, comprised of CATIA for collaborative product development, and ENOVIA and SMARTEAM for product data and life cycle management, collaboration, and decision support. Concurrently, Dassault Systèmes announced V5R14 of DELMIA for digital development of factory and production processes.

The new release “Imagine and Work as a Global Team” introduces breakthrough technologies for industrial design and improved collaborative product development. For example, a new Workpackage Exchange product enables companies across the value chain to exchange detailed product definitions, promote concurrent relational design, and protect corporate intellectual property.

A revolutionary new CATIA Imagine and Shape product extends V5 PLM to industrial designers by enabling them to explore product ideas more rapidly, while permitting last-minute styling modifications for greater product success.

A new web-based ENOVIA LCA navigator provides role-specific access to PLM information throughout the enterprise. Engineers and non-engineers alike can navigate product, process, and resource information they require to perform their jobs.

“V5R14 will extend the breakthrough success we attained with the virtual development platform for the Falcon 7X,” said Jacques Pellas, CIO, Dassault Aviation. “It will enable us to broaden the scope of PLM to include 7X digital support and operational maintenance. V5 PLM is essential to us as we build the most efficient and competitive aircraft in its category.”

“As a supplier of gas turbine engines and a partner of the Falcon 7X program, we demonstrated the efficiency of the global collaborative workspace, thus increasing our pace of innovation,” said Amal Girgis, CIO, Pratt & Whitney Canada. “V5 PLM Solutions give us world-class tools for collaborative innovation while improving data exchange, integrity, and security.”

“The Chrysler Group of DaimlerChrysler AG is leveraging the power of the full V5 solution suite in the vehicle product development process,” said Ron Bienkowski, director, Technical Computer Center, Chrysler Group, DaimlerChrysler Corp. “This means that each of our V5 users will be a power user. In this context, the VPM Navigator will effectively manage vehicle product data. The CATIA embedded user interface enables our engineers to work quickly and effectively in the context of their activity as part of the whole vehicle product definition.”

The V5R14 product portfolio brings business value to manufacturers in the following areas:

Global Collaborative Workspace – V5R14 strengthens collaboration across the value chain, enabling companies to work as one with their customers and partners to develop industry leading products. Along with the new Workpackage Exchange product, V5R14 also offers new products for communication between OEMs and suppliers in the virtual product development environment, and for co-design among designers informally working together on the same design either in real-time or in asynchronous mode.

Innovation Catalyst – In addition to the CATIA Imagine and Shape product, V5R14 offers enhancements to Functional Modeling that extend to molded and cast parts. The release provides improved design-to-simulation capabilities for composite parts and new and improved Industry Solutions for Aerospace Structures Engineering, Integrated Mechanical Product Development for the Electronics industry, and Collaborative System Engineering.

Personalized Navigation – The ENOVIA LCA Navigator improves productivity by enabling all users in an extended enterprise to navigate Product, Process, and Resource definitions. It offers 2D/3D Web viewing, instant collaboration, and lifecycle management services. An enhanced VPM Navigator includes capabilities for easier session building, faster navigation, and extended relational design support. The release also offers faster retrieval of product-related process and resource information from the Manufacturing Hub, and improved SMARTEAM web-based client capabilities.

Capture, Protect and Reuse Intellectual Property – V5R14 introduces new Technological Packages in the Engineering Hub comprised of rules, specifications, and tolerancing data, enabling companies to capitalize on their valuable intellectual property by capturing, protecting, and reusing their corporate knowledge assets.

Proven, Open, and Standard – The new release incorporates specialized PLM technology from new CAA V5 software community members such as Galaxia, Metrologic, Noesis, and Lattice Technology, bringing to 48 the total number of CAA V5 SCP partners.

“With V5R14, we are expanding on our strategy of collaboration and innovation with major advances in areas such as easy PLM navigation, imaginative design, and global collaborative PLM,” said Bernard Charlès, president and CEO, Dassault Systèmes. “The web-based ENOVIA LCA Navigator opens PLM to new categories of users and sets new standards for accessibility and openness.”

V5R14 Brand Highlights: for detailed V5R14 brand information, visit <noindex>http://plm.3ds.com/V5R14</noindex>

CATIA for collaborative product development – In addition to Imagine and Shape, CATIA V5R14 broadens the use of collaborative engineering across the extended enterprise with the new CATIA - Instant Collaborative Design product and offers advanced capacities for exchanging and reconciling engineering packages. It also bolsters the revolutionary CATIA - Functional Molded Part product to address casting parts modeling for the Automotive and F&A industries.

ENOVIA for product data and lifecycle management and decision support – ENOVIA V5R14 extends the capabilities of next-generation VPM with 3D session building. It also extends ENOVIA LCA to web-based applications that are: easy to deploy on top of enterprise middleware; easy to learn; and work with DELMIA to deliver engineering-to-manufacturing common change management.

SMARTEAM for product lifecycle collaboration – SMARTEAM V5R14 delivers expanded industry and cross-industry business process solutions through accelerated PLM deployment of optimized product development, and enhances management of fully integrated product and project data, facilitating productivity, knowledge reuse, and use of resources.

DELMIA for digital development of factory and production processes – DELMIA V5R14 refines the solutions for Final Assembly with the DELMIA - Electrical Harness Process Simulation product. It also provides process planners with easy-to-use machining feature tolerancing capabilities with the new DELMIA - Machining Tolerancing Assistant product.

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CATIA Imagine and Shape product -

как-то не наглядно. Хоть бы скриншотов что-ли... (для тех кто в CATIA не работает). А так не Imagine себе.

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      Так в чем проблема создать кривую и протянуть профиль? Единственная трудность это кривую сделать из дуг и отрезков, а не сплайном. Если же не использовать инструментарий сварных конструкций, то можно и сплайн использовать в качестве направляющей.  
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      Добрый день. Как то фигурировал тут вопрос с точкой в названии файла. У меня проблема, не могу захватить модель, пишет, что с этим символом нельзя. Обойти никак нельзя получается?
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      У вас там скорее всего скрыты размеры. Перетяните их дальше от штриховки, чтоб не пересекали.
    • Snake 60
      @Бестолковый С названием топика не ошиблись? Человек спрашивает: ' VBA ' 1. Open a document in SOLIDWORKS. ' 2. Run the macro below to set inch units with '     a fractional base of 16 and no rounding. Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks Dim Part As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 Option Explicit Sub main()    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc    Part.SetUnits swINCHES, swFRACTION, 16, 0, False End Sub   Код взят отсюда: https://help.solidworks.com/2019/english/api/sldworksapi/solidworks.interop.sldworks~solidworks.interop.sldworks.imodeldoc2~setunits.html Вот еще описание всех методов: https://help.solidworks.com/2021/English/api/swconst/DP_Units.htm Ну и на вкусное, статья от Артема (см. через ВПН) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.codestack.net/solidworks-api/options/document/set-units/&ved=2ahUKEwjgpL-apN6GAxU7HxAIHYO0D2IQFnoECBAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw15xq49gocoVQ5BzEA31qGf
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      IModelDocExtension.SetUserPreferenceInteger(swUserPreferenceIntegerValue_e.swUnitSystem, swUserPreferenceOption_e.swDetailingNoOptionSpecified, swUnitSystem_e.<Value>), где swUnitSystem_e.<Value> перечисление swUnitSystem_CGS           1 = Centimeter, gram, second  swUnitSystem_Custom        4 = Lets you set length units, density units, and force  swUnitSystem_IPS           3 = Inch, pound, second  swUnitSystem_MKS           2 = Meter, kilogram, second  swUnitSystem_MMGS          5 = Millimeter, gram, second   
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    • TVM
      Так на скорую руку строились. Ясно что такое воспроизвести в живую затруднительно. 
    • Борман
    • Shura762
      Уважаемый @mamomot  вы ошибаетесь на счет  они (топсистемы) уважают пользователей T-FLEX PLM, и им была приведена презентация нового продукта, рассказаны пути развития этого продукта и как часть всего этого интересного 18 версия када. Лично внешний вид мне понравился, осталось узнать про "плюшки" облегчающие работу конструктора.
    • mamomot
      Нужно уважать пользователей. Понимаю, что сейчас идет "охота" на госкорпорации. Но из уважения к другим пользователям, купившим ранее версии Тифлекс, можно было бы дать хоть какой-то обзор нового: Металлоконструкции, Детали Машин, другие модули...  
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